Monday, January 22, 2007 photos!!! They're extremely out of order as far as my time here lately......

Me (obviously) with SHORT HAIR....reading to some local boys by MY private waterfall/swimming hole. I found this spot accidentally on my bicycle, it's about 4 miles out of town, an easy ride. Usually during the week for a good part of the day I have the place to myself.
Nunu & me at the oldest Wat (temple) in Luang Prabang for a ceremony ordaining some novices into monk-hood.
Nunu, Diana, and Izzy in a tuk tuk on our excursion to a local village.
It's enough that I'm even able to post photos and put together this can't expect them to all be upright...oops!! Anyway, this woman was spinning cotton into thread in one of the villages we visited.
A peculiar spider web I see all over the place, I'm curious & fascinated by them. I'll do some research and report back, but they're not typical webs, they're fuzzy & form a hole that leads into the ground.
Siblings (?) in a tuk tuk along a dirt road leading to a different waterfall I discovered while riding my bike.
Local villiage women along the same dirt road as the children above.
Dong Det....where I spent Christmas. The sunsets were amazing, nightly. This photo was taken from the deck at the Sunset Cafe....a fitting name!
The Mekong River, the beach that I spent many days getting relief from the heat, as well as bathing & getting relief from myself!
My friend Lucy, the Christmas pasta chef.
On each full moon, the novices shave their heads, eyebrows, all body hair.
Shadows of Nunu, Izzy, and myself in cotton that's being laid out to dry, taken in one of the villiages we visited across the Mekong.
Kong Lor cave, 7 km long, the place I visited before heading to Dong Det. Not the best photo quality, however this is on long shutter setting, taken essentially in pitch dark!
Food vendors on the local bus that come on to sell their goods at each stop. Chicken!!
Dong Det is SOOOO laid the sign implies! No, I didn't actually get my room for free!
A boy & his pet piggie.
Another sunset taken from the Sunset Cafe, Dong Det.
My bicycle along the dirt road leading to my private waterfall (as mentioned above).
A riverside garden in the villiage I stayed near Kong Lor cave.
Another peculiar spider web.
Riverside photo taken from my guesthouse near Kong Lor cave. This is not the Mekong, however the name of this river escapes me.
A villiage elder (woman) taken in one of the local villiages along the Mekong.
A darling little girl from the same villiage.
Buddhist statue taken from one of the Wats across from our house.
Luang Prabang & the Nam Khan river taken atop Phousi Mountain.
Elephant eye, up close & personal!
Riverside life....not the Mekong.
Sunset along the Mekong.
A floating "gas station" for boats traveling the Mekong to refuel.